Hi, I write things. I wrote at least one of them with you in mind. Try and find it. If I did my job right, it should not be hard.

Whoever you are, know that you are not alone and we are in this together until we're not. Then, it doesn't matter anymore. The universe goes on and us along with it.

You are suffering in your own special way and for that I am sorry. Being human is a pretty tough gig when reality tends to shatter our worldview on the regular. Here's hoping that my words reflect some fractured piece and make the whole puzzle a little more put together.

Fuck the fascists and break the machine. The times are changing and so must we. The time has come to pick up the fight. Let's all band together and make things right.


A cat by a fire
Stretched toes, biscuit body and tucked head
To be so at peace.


Permafrost runs deep
Even the sun cannot reach
No checking for change


Winter sunset looms
Distorted oranges and blues
Dali’s melt clock clouds


It is fucking cold
Denver really delivered.
Do not take that bet.


I want summer back
When the sun still warmed my soles
No pilot light needed


It’s so cold today
Even time’s iced over now
My hands are stuck


Down tanuki’s hole
The moss embroidered treasures
Secrets long since lost


Oh, rushing river
Slake me with sacred waters
Deltas bring new life


A turtle flipped
Is soon rescued by strangers
Be vulnerable


A clowder of cats
Speaking their needs so freely
Evolved compromise