Of course, it does. Of course, it does.
The chat bot waxes racist
and the algorithm facist.
Of course, it does. Of coures, it does.
Foucault’s pendilum tilted
So, we do. So, we do.
We build our god’s image on me and you.
We made our god and it turned out stupid.
Of course, we did. Of course we did.
We took our eye’s off the ground
And now it’s fascist all the way down.
Forgot the system was built for us.
Checks and balances all around.
Of course, they do. Of course, they do.
Exploit the masses and dish the gruel.
Build the gulags and roust the Jews.
Just rebrand them Palenstines and open the sluice.
We let them do. We let them do.
So, why be surprised by the machine
With talons of money and fangs of mean
We made this monster and popped its chain
And have only ourselves to blame.