The Hapless
Vincent - the very sexual asexual. His mother received a blessing from Aphrodite that he would know love. Then, he was born ace.
Polyhymnia - the vengeful virgin. A Vestial Virgin eith the voice of a muse and a penchant for watching girls in the steam bathes.
David - the personofication of andronynous mysterious homoerotic enegery. David Bowie but a little more of a twink and gay for Adroc
Adroc - the bearded drummer and transgender who becomes a woman after death. Adroc is gay for David.

The Contestants
Clotho / Sissyface
* the Goddess of Death and the Fate with the scissors.
* Wants to become the Goddess of Party Planning,
Bacchus the God of Festivity and Madness
Emperor Vanity
* Demigod son of Bacchus