Emperor Vanity

A white house warming gift for Trump
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The Ink Bats

I love me some indy goth music.
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Benjamin Clementine

One of the greatest joys of San Francisco is the movie scene. I got to see Benjamin Clementine. It was tranformative.
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letter-to-my-therapist It has been a revelatory 2+ weeks. We have much to discuss and process. Not to bury a lead, but I have a new tombstone epitaph, “Nothing will make you believe in God faster than a 32 year old figure skater." We’re approaching our one year anniversary, you and I. I didn’t even realize that this was basically when my ex wife moved out until I started to write this email.
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Stop giving interview programming tests It’s time we had a chat, dev manager to dev manager, principle to hiring principle. We know what makes good programmers. Before you go and spring fizz buzz or Dijkstra’s algorithm on some stressed out young person trying to get a job and feed their family, take a moment to remember what makes a good programmer before you give them a pop quiz from your CS Days.
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