The time has come to become disgusted.
The kitchen is dirty and the sink is rusted.
Blood in the bowl and the brush is missing.
The pressure is building and the pipes are hissing.
Our mirror is broken and our reflections are busted.
We are all the culprit and no one is trusted.
The landlord is absent and raising the rent.
The booze, drugs and money have all been spent.
The maid got deported and her children encamped.
The fences are broken and the yard’s getting cramped.
The paint isn’t appealing and the doors got a dent.
From the officer’s boot who came, killed and went.
Time to get the bucket and wring out the mop.
And raise our pigged heads out of the slop.
We need to clean house and start making things right.
Burn out the mold and turn on the light.
We’ll all get dirty before we can stop.
For a clean conscience, revolution’s the route.