Hi, I write things. I wrote at least one of them with you in mind. Try and find it. If I did my job right, it should not be hard.

Whoever you are, know that you are not alone and we are in this together until we're not. Then, it doesn't matter anymore. The universe goes on and us along with it.

You are suffering in your own special way and for that I am sorry. Being human is a pretty tough gig when reality tends to shatter our worldview on the regular. Here's hoping that my words reflect some fractured piece and make the whole puzzle a little more put together.

Fuck the fascists and break the machine. The times are changing and so must we. The time has come to pick up the fight. Let's all band together and make things right.


Sometimes, I rather wish you died on the table,
That you and I had not been survivors.
You, the cancer statistic,
Me, the product of my childhood.
Then, we wouldn’t be a moral and a fable.

Yet, you continued to defy logic.
A defiant dervish, sallying and rallying,
Whirling, through the horde expectant.
Cockroaches deserve more praise.


Threesomes aren’t a very good solution.
For marital aides or conflict resolution.
Not for any antiquated moral reason.

They lack a mathematical proof.
No grammar can save you.
When one parties rounded
And the other’s confounded

Pearl necklaces or otherwise.

The geometries are odd.
The lines don’t align.
When the junctions join
Be it mouth or loin
Orifice or edifice
There’s always a dangling variable.

The set of all sets is inclusive
When the quadrants are balanced round.
Pleasure can exponential
With a proper differential

We Fuck Stone

We fuck stone.
We drive our bones into the dust.
I thrust my hard honed hips.
You moan and curl your slender bore.
As we fuck stone.

We seek our needed nutrients.
We pull our soft minerals.
Together, we pulverize where we came from.
We dig until there’s nothing left
But scrag
and slag
and shag.

We fuck stone.
We transmute our metals into rust.
I bury my fingers into your loam.
I mine.
You mine.
We each others mine
As we fuck stone.

A Walk through the Garden

You tried to shield us with your aegis
As we meandered the old garden paths.
You allowed only rehearsed exploration
And taught the names our fathers gave the trees.

You covered naked wisdom for our protection
As we passed by the amaranth tints of Sodom’s apple.
We skirted stone pillars choked with oleander
And wove garlands dangling with datura pendants.

You raised your sentinel to block the light.
As we wilted in a penumbra cast in bronze and iron
We fumbled through the maze of thorny hedgerows
And never learned the patterns of snakes.

You fought to preserve our innocence
As we learned lessons through weathered gaps
You cast us out when we learned too much
And found out how little we knew.

Ecuadorian Dream House

Some people want a house in the suburbs
down the culdesac next to the place
where they lost their virginity
behind the gas station
where their older brother bought them booze

Some people want a trailer in the desert
with low humidity

I want a marble palace in the mountains of Ecuador
With my own private art museum
And a family so proud they open a gift shop

Baby Boomer

This is your fault.
Your lines shoot through
the fissures that grew
with all the chances you blew
that still you do
To halt.

You could have stopped this.
You had the momentum.
You had the will.
You could have stopped this.
When did you comply?
When did you fall still?
You could have stopped this.
When did you stop shaking with rage?
When did you take your sleeping pill?
You could have stopped this.
Now it’s just your kids
that have to foot the bill.

You felt the quake.
The movement you started
that you left unguarded
became distorted
yet you harden
to take.

It’s time for you to die.
Leave us to clean up your mess
We have a disaster to address
It’s too late halt the process
But we are
to survive.

Haikus From the Coal Region

Dad slugs snowy rocks
Cold anger breaking the ice
“Who wants some ice cream?”

Uncle John is gone
They marched him into the woods
Another secret kept

Still waters run deep
Especially for Timmy
Strip mines need good fences

Ten to life up north
A catered room with a view
Statutory rape

An old mining town
Filled with pin oaks and brown deer
Burning from below

Scores of old nanas
Stuffing cabbage in church halls
Food for the needy

A fun fair with rides
With food, fun and families
That carnie is drunk

Fresh maple syrup
Tapped into old groves of trees
Corn syrup’s cheaper

Two cities with hicks between
Still not Ohio

Steam trains to nowhere
Winding through old brick houses
All factories gone

The Mistake of Enlightenment

Siddhartha, my brother of a different mother,
Nirvana’s road is paved with your sole intention.
Your ideas are conceived to strike like lightning,
Flashes of fruition that force isolation.

Siddhartha, you locked me up in a far cloister.
A cell built to foster my love’s abstention.
To teach me detachment through holy internment
You bade me choose love or face annihilation

Siddhartha, what did Janapada do to you?
She was my royal wife and my heart’s true attention
You made me compare her to your hand picked devas.
Who’d make any mortal seem rather simian.

Siddhartha, I was better off as a donkey
Chewing sweet hay rather than enduring transcendence
You brought me salvation through forced isolation
And left me bereft of my souls’ occupation.

Luminescence, Cinnamon, Fire, Juniper, Piano

Find your mountain if you want your tale told.
Climb toward the luminescence past the peak
Then your sunsets will be woven with gold.

Beware the ballads that are bought and sold.
Set fire to pianos whose keys do not speak,
“Find your mountain if you want your tale told.”

Do not tarry in the taverns of old.
Spurn their juniper spirits that leave you weak
then your sunsets will be woven with gold.

Resist cinnamon’s scent for her soft hold
will delay you while your instinct wants to shriek,
“Find your mountain if you want your tale told!”

Steel your mettle with your heart’s own code
by lifting your character beyond critique
then your sunsets will be woven with gold.

The great myths do not belong to the meek
But to heroes who thine own self shall seek.
Find your mountain if you want your tale told
then your sunsets will be woven with gold!

The Perfect Moment

How do you express the perfect moment?
How do you encapsulate the surreal beauty
Of a warm June’s afternoon
With a cerulean sky so big and so clear
your words get lost trying to border the vastness
When the dappled golden rays of everyone’s sun
Filter through the precise leaves of trees
whose names and stories you’ll never know.
What words can possibly describe the feeling of unadulterated, enviable, world-destroying love.
love that is shared on a freshly power-washed deck,
backing a house full of memories -
of chores complete,
of lives commingled
and of secrets shared.

How can express it when you are reeling in awe?
when you are left stupefied, dumb and humbled by the sheer impossibility of that moment.
When you stop to consider how somehow this cold and uncaring universe rolled the dice so precisely in your favor.
When you realize how a single life choice, or random occurrence, or harsh word could have turned this precise moment into so many others.
How do you hold something so fragile and ephemeral in you hands?
How dare you try to limit it with words?